tml Partners releases first edition of
The CMO Report

CMOs earn a seat at the table with emphatic optimism about the future

tml Partners has just released the first edition of The CMO Report where they brought together Chief Marketing Officers from across sectors to discuss trends, challenges and opportunities in the industry:

In this video-led report, marketing leaders from businesses including Accenture, Bacardi, DLA Piper, JP Morgan and Gu Puds were interviewed on a number of hot topics, with a particular focus on the future of marketing, diversity, talent and leadership.

The interviews were led by tml’s Non-Executive Director, Annabel Venner, Chair of the Marketing Society Fellows, who commented “it was great to see so much optimism in the industry despite the challenging geo-political conditions we are all operating within. The value of marketing and its profile within businesses were unanimously on the rise and CMOs are very much front and centre when driving business growth.”

Simon Bassett, CEO of tml Partners commented “what has become clear from these interviews is that marketing leaders have been hugely successful during a period of unprecedented change. They have led teams, responded to customer needs, balanced long term needs with short term agility and demonstrated value around the Board table.”

Venner went on to say “Despite more challenges on the horizon from the cost of living and inflation, to supply chain issues and the war on talent, marketers clearly remain hugely optimistic about the future and the role that they will play in driving business growth.”

This trend is further supported by recent jobs data just released from the Association of Professional Staffing Companies (APSCo) and Vacanysoft highlighting an unprecedented investment in marketing jobs. There were 40% more marketing job vacancies in the first half of 2022 when compared to 2021 with volumes for the second half of 2022 forecast to increase by 26.1%.

Following this initial launch, over the coming weeks tml Partners will be releasing further in-depth reports on the war for marketing talent, diversity in marketing and CMO tenure.

Visit to see the report in full.

The panellists in the first edition of The CMO Report were:

  • Jos Cleare, Managing Director for Marketing Communications at Accenture
  • Caroline Hipperson, Managing Director for Funkin Cocktails
  • Lisa Jazwinski, Global Director for Marketing Strategy & Planning at Bacardi
  • Deborah Keay, Chief Marketing Officer for International Consumer at JP Morgan
  • Andy Peat, Marketing & Business Development Director at DLA Piper
  • Ruth Rowan, Chief Marketing Officer at Avanade
  • Stephen Taylor, former Chief marketing Officer at HMD Global – Nokia
  • Annabel Venner, Non-Executive Director at tml Partners
  • Anthony Wells, Chief Marketing Officer at Gu Puds
  • Lewis Woodward, Global Marketing & Communications Leader